Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ignorance, Thy Name is: "Honorable Congressperson" !

Interested readers can link to: THE NRC REJECTION STATEMENT

To see why there is no "momentum" for a so-called "Independent Safety Assessment" at Indian Point power plant. The very idea of an ISA is obsolete, having been replaced in 1997 with NRC's much improved ROP-(reactor oversight process.) Do the authors of this request realize that their anti-nuclear biased staff has handed them a major embarrassment in having them ask for a decades-outdated event to re-happen in 2007? Probably not. Their "advocacy" is mainly fly-by-wire, mediated by staff, and handed up to the unconcerned elected officials as their latest sop to a rapidly aging, (and dwindling) "movement."

White Nuclear Snowflake has been trying to alert the poor duped congresspeople, but I bet their staff doesn't hand them the latest WNS post every day, do they?

Asking for an ISA in 2007 is like asking for an exorcism, a land grant from the King of Spain, an application of leeches for gout, or a cranial trepanning for a headache. Very, very out of date. Humiliating that they would even mention it.
Read WNS back posts, should you want to learn more.

In my opinion, commissioner Klein was very courteous in not highlighting their mistake.
He's a more kindly type than I am, I guess.