The history of planet Earth is well known, and very clear. The reason this planet has life, is because it also has uranium: Read:
Uranium developed naturally as a result of the physical maturation of elements within stars, and it forms the warming power within the earth. Inside the earth's core, is a white hot mix of molten iron, and molten uranium. The devil did not put it there. In point of fact there may not even be a devil. The heat energy occurring naturally within the core of our home planet , comes strictly from U235 fission. The iron by itself would not be warm. It takes the U235 to warm the earth, and thus provide the very cozy environment in which we live.
Without the uranium's warming power, life would probably not have arisen on this planet, and without the uranium, life certainly would not continue, as the oceans would freeze, and earth would be an ice ball.
To survive the human-induced global warming, it will require the massive use of nuclear power generation (along with wind and solar) to enable the human race to survive its self-induced environmental damage, caused by burning coal and oil .
Although nuclear substances have great curing powers in nuclear medicine, it's generally not uranium, usually cobalt or other isotopes, that is used. However, if the dying out of all humanity due to global warming is taken as a "big health issue", then yes, U235 fission power can be considered a "cure". It will cure us of dying out as a race.
Therefore I would call uranium the "Life Stone", the "Survival Stone", "Gaia's Gift", and perhaps even "God's Holy Stone", the one stone that can save 7 billion humans from dying horribly within the next 100 years, as the
earth heats up to 145 degrees farenheit, and civilization grinds to a halt, due to global warming caused by oil use, and coal use, and we choke on our own massive carbon footprint.
This mineral also powers Indian Point, a super clean, environmentally aware and very Green piece of the future, on the Hudson in New York State.
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