Saturday, April 14, 2007
What kind of danger surrounds us here, in Westchester, in our ordinary lives?
As I wheeled out of my driveway in my hybrid SUV this A.M., and turned south onto Highland Avenue, an old guy in a hardhat came running towards me. "Go Back.... Go Back" he yelled, stepping right in front of my car. It was dark, maybe 30 minutes before dawn, and I was pissed. How dare he? When I had a second to compose myself, I saw what I couldn't see from 10 feet back. The surface of Highland was gone, and a bubbling mud pit churned, about 10 feet by 15 feet in size, right where I was going to drive. The water main had burst, and the old guy had saved my life, basically.
So there's danger all around. Even below our feet, in the middle of the street. That hole is fixed now, as is the one over on Washington street. Another hole had opened up one block north, about a month ago. If I was of such a mind, I would start preaching about the danger of water mains, cataloging all the fixit runs the old guy's truck makes, and using the information I gathered to start a new anti-watermain group, who could all send me contributions, and make me a popular and esteemed blogger folk hero.
But I don't have to.
The old guy seems to have it covered.