It is common knowledge that if a meteor were to hit your house (one hit a few blocks down from you 10 years ago) it might kill you or your family. (the Peekskill meteor only damaged a parked car). So in the case of a similarly likely disaster, not only did the meteor miss your house, it also missed the house it hit. That's why the statistical unlikeliness of the event would make complaining about your vulnerability a waste of time and effort. Yes, you are vulnerable. No, it's not going to happen.
However, if you harbored an internal grudge against meteors, you might begin to pepper NASA with urgent letters, requesting, no.... demanding to be told the "True Trajectories" of all likely meteor hits, and the hidden truths about the so-called "Apollo Objects" -a lightly veiled secret that LARGE MOUNTAIN SIZED ASTEROIDS could take out North America at any time (including Peekskill). Why does NASA withold the truth from us, we are all stakeholders here, and the proof it is possible is that the Peekskill meteor hit only a few blocks away, even though it injured nobody!
But why.... why you say.... why does NASA search for Apollo Objects IF THEY'RE NOT DANGEROUS? The very fact that NASA thinks they can hit us, proves they can, and therefore NASA is guilty of gross negligence in NOT PROVIDING EITHER ADEQUATE WARNING, ADEQUATE ESCAPE ROUTES, OR BIG THICK CONCRETE ROOFS FOR ALL OUR HOUSES.
Therefore we must have a petition, to gather signatures of ALL VULNERABLE ASTEROID STAKEHOLDERS, and maybe get together for a little fun and games at the Firehouse Restaurant some Saturday, waddya say?
Now, just for your edification, I've taken a US Government chart off a public US Government website, a chart that shows just what you demanded to see. It also shows what John Hall, Hillary Clinton et al, have been demanding to know. And it was in the damned public domain all along, right where their staffs could have found it. So is it negligence? Or is it a hole in the head? I think its a hole in the head, and so here,.... let's fill that big gaping open "head-hole" for ya-- what say?
It ain't easy though. You have to figure out how to read it. Bummer.... Kinda tough to do with one of those big morning after headaches, eh? Again, let me help. The bottom left corner has two weird numbers. 10-7 and 10. The up and down axis is years. 10-7 denotes ten billion years. The right-left axis denotes dead people. 10 denotes ten dead folks, and 10-2 denotes 100 stiffs. (It's called powers of ten notation).
Now let's read it. left hand panel, bottom left corner, we see nuclear accidents and meteor strikes--- they are statistically very similar. The meteor line says every 10,000 years, you can expect 10 people dead from meteors. Follow it down, and to the right. Its other end says every ten billion years you can expect ten thousand deaths, from a big meteor strike. Horrible? Fearful? Not really..... but possible.
Go to the nuke plant curve. every twenty thousand years you can expect 10 deaths from a nuclear plant accident. (Since 31 people died at Chernobyl, we are ahead of schedule there, but they were stupid incompetent Russians, the people who do everything wrong). That also means Chernobyl "sucked up" all the likelihood of any more plant deaths, so we have a free-and-clear twenty thousand years ahead of us, skating on Chernobyl's contribution. (No, that's actually a lie, but I just thought I'd see if you were following the reasoning--- how did you do on that?).
At the bottom right end of the nuke plant curve we see every ten billion years, we can statistically expect 8000 people to die in "The Big One". I sure hope I'm not there, and if you think Indian Point is old now.,.......just imagine how old its gonna be in ten billion years. All the workers will be mummies, or something.
So there it is. Was all along. Just hard to read. Are you vulnerable? Hell yeah.
Is it gonna happen? Hell yeah. In ten billion years.
One interesting thing is the line for dam collapses, way up on the page. Being way up the page means its far more likely, and far more deadly than nukes'n'meteors. So I guess everybody better move out of Croton, real quick. Valhalla, forget about it, they're dead Spano-meat down there. Better write out their wills by noon today.